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Melissa Miller

Turning a dream into a vision!

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

Everyone has a dream of how they would like to be successful weather this be in life or business. When I was in my early twenties success to me was seeing as my customers as I could and creating value for each and every one of them. That was how the company I worked for defined success. Numbers are one thing however I never really thought that it was a true reflection of impact. I learnt that your overall impact was more indicative of your success and I learn't this early on in my career at the bedside with patients. It is interesting how a patient facing role can impact a sales and business role. As the years went by I began to really enjoy combining my healthcare experience and entrepreneurial flair. Both these roles really complemented each other in different ways.

It was a few years into my corporate career when I started mapping out my plan to build my own company one day. I knew it would be helping people in life and in business. I had my vision! But how did I turn my dream into a vision?

Here is a four top tips below on what I took from my journey how you can cultivate your dream into a vision for success.

  • Ask yourself what do you really want in life, in your career and what does success look like for you? What excites you the most when you jump out of bed of a morning. What ignites you? and who around you helps to ignite your passion or areas of strength?

We all have areas we are great at and most likely because you enjoy it. Ask any successful sportsman or person and it is most likely the enjoyment they have playing the sport of choice. Sport and business have so many interlinked pieces and it is an area I am keen to be more involved in with Growth Creations.

  • How will you turn your dream into a vision? Do you have a vision board with set goals and have you created the right positive habits to get you there? Is your boss or are your colleagues supporting your vision? If not ask yourself if they are the right fit for you. Success doesn't come solo so invest your time with people in your corner.

  • Are you clear on where you want to be or what it is you want to achieve? Is it to make a set amount of revenue per quarter, or is it to be the leader in your company for a specific project that may land you the next promotion or pay rise? Where do you see yourself and how you do plan to get there?

I worked with a client recently who wanted to be in charge of the marketing for her local tennis club. I worked with her on the accountability plan and what she needed to do daily and weekly to land her the freelance opportunity she needed. Beyond this she is now creating more opportunities in freelance to other contacts with confidence allowing her to create her dream career and life working more flexibility for her family.

  • Lastly believe in yourself and your vision. There will be critics!!!I had them and I will still keep having them for as long as people have insecurities of themselves. Don't let anyone sway you from your dream or putting in place your vision. Get yourself into the habit of recognising any small achievement's along the way because these are your stepping stones to creating impact and results.

If you or someone you know would like some support in creating a plan for success or for your business please reach out and I would be more than happy to support you on your journey. Or email me to sign up to receive my newsletters.

Create confidence. Build growth.

Melissa - Founder Growth Creations

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